Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Voted... and made it count?

I had my march to the polling booth, had my finger marked and voted. Talking of the elections. The media tried to prop up more awareness than they had in the yesteryears. Right from the jagore campaign to TOI's full first page advertisement about "Making your vote count".

Also, there were a few advertisements splashed on the newspaper reading "Make your vote count. Show your marked finger to avail 25% discount on the bill". Apparently by one of the food giants "Dhaba Express" [It is unfortunate to think that one has to lure people, by such perks, to make one vote].

There are enough problems already. The common ones being : Voting machine problems, Voter bribing, Voters name missing; of the many. It occurred to me today that one must not give room for anyone to cast a "Forged vote". How do you do that? Educate people? Conduct workshops and campaigns??
Just wake up early enough, walk up to the polling booth and cast your vote before someone else does it :D

When it comes to voting, I believe, the uneducated at least go by what their heart says. But the educated man keeps thinking of all the pros and cons of a candidate from N different points of views.. Ultimately ending up in saying "Why should I vote? Anyway another corrupt big bellied bully is on the way". Yeah, many a time I felt the same too. But, today I did make my vote count. Just because, I did not want anyone taking advantage of "my NOT voting" and using the opportunity to cast "Forged votes".

The poor turnout of votes, so far in the other Metros, stunned me. As the cliché goes : Small drops of water, make a mighty ocean.
Of course, who knows what the voter turnout would be in my city?
The future's not ours to see... que sera sera!


  1. Yeah I was shocked too at the poor turnout. My turn to vote will come from next year.

  2. Oh! so it's just a couple of years before you get confused about whom to vote :))
